Update #6
vor 8 Monaten

A bit less than 11000m (cumulative) elevation gain. Mission accomplished :)

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Warum ich mich für «Wo es am nötigsten ist» einsetze
The idea is to do an Everesting (plus any other extra elevation gain) during December 2023 and donate (myself) 10 CHF/EUR per 1000m of elevation gain to Caritas, helping to fight against poverty.

The concept of Everesting is simple: Pick any hill, anywhere in the world and complete repeats of it in a single activity until you climb 8,848m – the equivalent height of Mt Everest.

According to recent data, 1.1 billion (out of 6.1 billion people - just over 18%) live in acute poverty across 110 countries. More info here https://hdr.undp.org/content/2023-global-multidimensional-poverty-index-mpi#/indicies/MPI

Caritas prevents, alleviates and fights against poverty in Switzerland and worldwide in around 20 countries. https://www.caritas.ch/en/about-us/


If you identify yourself with this cause and want to contribute, any donations, no matter the value, are very much welcome.

Thank you so much.

Wo es am nötigsten ist

Mit deiner Spendenaktion für den dringendsten Bedarf ermöglichst du es uns, das Geld dort einzusetzen, wo unsere Hilfe am dringendsten gebraucht wird.

Mehr lesen

Erhaltene Spenden 4

CHF 35
Daniel Santos
vor 8 Monaten
CHF 25
Daniel Santos
«3rd week and almost getting to the minimum 😊»
vor 8 Monaten
CHF 40
Daniel Santos
vor 8 Monaten
CHF 10
Daniel Santos
«First attempt (FAILED due to snow): https://www.strava.com/activities/10321342856»
vor 9 Monaten
Der Einladungslink wurde in die Zwischenablage kopiert.